Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Blogger

Hi everyone! My sister has convinced me to start up my own blogspot, YAY! I have never had a blog before and have no idea what I am doing, but I figured I would give it a shot. The main reason for this blogspot is to stay updated with family and friends. Tony and I are living in Washington and all of our family is in Tennessee. Therefore, we have to come up with ways to stay in touch and share what is going on in our lives. We have a beautiful daughter, Madison, and she will be 1 on March 28! The time has gone by so fast! My main goal for this blog is to post weekly for family and friends, Madison's new developments and of course PICTURES! I know how important pictures are to family! She is growing up so fast and changing so much. I am really excited to be able to share it with everyone!

This week..... (2/24/08)

Madison has been "cruising" now for a few weeks. We are anxiously awaiting for her to take her first steps! She will stand alone for a few seconds, but eventually grabs ahold of something or plops down on the ground! She is definitely finding her way around everywhere. We had to put a baby gate up finally to keep her out of the kitchen. She was caught with the toothpicks the other day! We recently have decided to start weaning from the bottle as well! She has done really well with that, as long as I am consistent with it!

We are really excited about next week! We will have visitors! Madison's Gamma and Auntie Am will be coming in town to celebrate all of the birthdays we have this month! Madison will be turning 1, her Auntie Am will be 21, and her Grandpa will be 50! Major birthdays this month! We can't wait for them to be here with us! I will be sure to post the birthday photos!