Thursday, April 3, 2008

Madison's First Birthday and then some!

Well.....Madison is officially 1 year old! The past year of Madison's life has flown by and so much has happened! So....let's recap!
Madison was born March 28, 2007, Oak Harbor, WA. Mom and Amber were here to be with Tony and I as we brought Madison into this world through a very long and exhausting labor! The most amazing time of my life! Within a month of Madison being born, Tony and I had moved ALL of our belongings into storage and headed for Memphis, TN. Madison and I stayed with Mom, Dad, and Amber while Tony headed off for deployment. The hardest time of my life! Thank God for family who will always be there! Tony was gone for about 7 months and missed so many milestones of Madison's first year, but has definitely enjoyed watching her grow so fast since he has been home! While staying with family, Madison smiled, laughed, rolled over, sat up, started crawling, and even slept through the night! She became more active as each month went along. She started eating baby foods and drinking juice. She wanted to eat everything you put in front of her! It's still that way! Needless to say, a lot happened while Tony was gone, and a lot has happened since he has been back! We have been in WA now for three months and Tony has been amazed by her every day! Since we have been home, Madison has pulled up, started walking, has 5 almost 6 teeth, and talks like crazy! She doesn't eat baby food anymore, and is drinking milk instead of formula. She is a little girl now, not my little baby anymore. Well, as you may know, we celebrated Madison's first birthday early while her Nana and Auntie Amber were in town. She ate birthday cake and had the time of her life! Since we celebrated early, we didn't do much on her actual birthday. Her daddy bought her a chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing to eat, and we bought her a new toy! She has plenty of toys, but we wanted to get her something new since it was her birthday. Her Nana bought her some new clothes that are absolutely adorable! I have posted pictures of Madison with her new toy and some of her new clothes, hope you enjoy them!

PS Some recent Madison news....
I know I mentioned that Madison is walking now, but I thought I would elaborate a little. Madison will walk from me to Tony and back and forth. She will walk across the room by herself, and has even walked the entire length of the apartment by herself. She loves to follow me around all day, if she can keep up :). She also will wave and say hi to everyone she sees...this makes for a very long grocery shopping trip! She will wave bye, and say night night when it is bed time. And she gives kisses which her daddy loves tremendously! Enjoy the pictures and I will post again when something new happens, probably won't be long!